Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Paddy Reynolds Recording

Chicago's own (can I say that?) John Daly is involved in a new release highlighting classic recordings of the New York-based Irish Fiddle master, Paddy Reynolds. John has graciously posted the recordings on his website so folks can give it a listen before it's released. Good stuff.
Check it out here, along with some enjoyable anecdotes written by John.

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At 8/11/2005 9:43 AM, Blogger the fiddlin' fool said...

Hey, are you going to Stitches Midwest this weekend? It's at the Rosemont Convention Center. Apparently it's absolutely amazing. Check it out if you have time. We're going on Friday morning.

At 8/17/2005 8:16 AM, Blogger dulcimist said...


Not sure if that was this past weekend or this coming weekend. Either way, no, unfortunately. I've got a pretty busy weekend coming up. Can't wait to hear about it though. Sean, at Woolcott in Boston actually asked if I was going. He said Stitches East is pretty amazing.


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